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EuroSys Roger Needham PhD Award

Prize donated by Microsoft Research Cambridge

The EuroSys Roger Needham PhD award is an anual prize awarded to a PhD student from a European University whose thesis is regarded to be an exceptional, innovative contribution to knowledge in the systems area. “Systems” is interpreted broadly, and includes operating systems, distributed systems, real-time systems, transactional and database systems, language runtimes, embedded systems, computer networks, systems aspects of programming, systems security, etc. The winner will receive 2000 euros, which will be awarded at the EuroSys conference. The prize is donated by Microsoft Research Cambridge.

Further information and instructions on how to apply are available on the Eurosys website.

Eurosys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award

Prize donated by Google

The Eurosys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award is given annually, starting in 2014, for contributions in the research areas covered by Eurosys. The Award consists of a certificate and a 2,000 Euro cash prize. It will be presented at the Eurosys conference and is currently sponsored by Google.

Further information and instructions on how to apply are available on the Eurosys website.









Student Travel Grants

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