Eurosys pictures New

Call for Posters

We invite submissions to Eurosys’ poster track. The poster track will provide an opportunity to present early-stage work and receive feedback from the community.

Important Dates

Poster Submission March 11, 2016
Author notification March 15, 2016

All deadlines times are Anywhere on Earth.

Instruction to authors

Contributions will be selected by the Poster program committee based on a 1-page abstract plus poster draft submitted through the Eurosys Poster submission website:

Poster Submission Link:

Poster abstracts are submitted through hotcrp and will be reviewed by the Poster and Demo chairs. The abstracts will be published on the Eurosys website unless authors prefer otherwise. Each poster will be presented by at least one author during the poster session at the conference. Each presenter will have 3 minutes to present his/her work to the Poster jury (that will consist of 3 people) during the poster session. The jury will give a Best Poster Award to the best presentation.

The submission will consist of a 1-page abstract with a text block of maximum 6.5 x 9 inches (16.5 x 22.9 cm), font size of minimum 10pt, and at least 12pt leading. Submissions must include title, author names and affiliations, a note indicating which authors (if any) are students, and an indication of who would present the poster.

Each poster submission should be accompanied by a PDF draft of the proposed poster included as page 2 of the submission. Posters can be accompanied by a demo of a preliminary version of the described system or technique; demos are encouraged but may be constrained by demand, available space, network capacity, or other logistical concerns.

Questions can be addressed to the poster chairs at:









Student Travel Grants

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